Open Enrollment (OE) is your chance to review, update and submit changes to your benefit elections outside of a qualifying life event.
Plan Year 2022-23 Highlights:
NEW Benefits Expos:
We look forward to seeing you at our in-person Benefits Expo events!
Flexible Spending Account (FSA):
Don’t forget your First Aid Kit and all the other useful items you can purchase with FSA. The maximum contribution amount increased to $2,850 with up to $570 rollover. You must re-enroll in FSA to get the rollover.
Modified Benefit Option (MBO):
Discover the additional classifications that have been added to MBO! See if you are eligible.
County Kaiser and Blue Shield Plans:
The County’s plans continue to have the same coverage options. If you would like to learn more about the County’s healthcare plans, you can book a 15-minute one-on-one consultation with a Kaiser Permanente Representative or visit Blue Shield’s Website for more information.
Wellness Program:
Adventure awaits with our new SBC Wellness App and updated Roadmap to Health checklist.
OE Events
Attend any OE event for a chance to win a Fitbit!
Employees can attend OE events on County paid time with supervisory approval.
Attend a live webinar or view the recorded webinar information at the bottom of this page for more information about your OE options. We will also have a special Q&A webinar where you can join in at any time during the hour to ask questions and interact with benefit experts and vendors.

Important Dates
- June 1 – Open Enrollment begins!
- June 24 – Open Enrollment ends!
- July 15 – Deadline to submit supporting documentation for added dependents or opt-out elections.
- July 30 – Effective date of any changes made during Open Enrollment.
- Aug 10 – Pay check deductions reflect OE rate changes, except FSA.
- Aug 24 – Pay check deductions reflect FSA contribution changes.
Benefit Expos
Benefit Expos will feature benefit vendors from both the County and Teamsters Local 1932 Health and Welfare Trust. Learn about the many low-cost or free benefit programs available to you and your family! Join us at any time during these events and enter our Fitbit giveaway.
Date | Time | Dept | City | Address | Room |
JUN 03 (FRI) | 7AM – 10AM | ARMC | Colton | 400 N Pepper | Citrus Hall (MOB) |
JUN 09 (THU) | 10AM – 1PM | CFS | Victorville | 15020 Palmdale | Conf Rm |
JUN 13 (MON) | 1:30PM – 4:30PM | ARMC | Colton | 400 N Pepper | Ponderosa Rm (MOB) |
JUN 15 (WED) | 10AM – 1PM | Govt Center | San Bernardino | 385 N Arrowhead | Rotunda |
JUN 16 (THU) | 10AM – 1PM | TAD | Ontario | 1627 E Holt | Airport Conf Rm |

Benefits Guide
Review the latest Employee Benefits Guide for more information. The Interactive Guide is a great quick reference, while the Full Guide has a more detailed explanation of benefits.

Benefit by Occupational Unit (BbOU)
Benefits vary depending on your occupational bargaining unit.

Benefits Calculator
Use the Benefits Calculator to find your out-of-pocket costs for different benefit options.

Check out our Frequently Asked Questions or Contact us if you have any questions about Open Enrollment.