Hotlines & Helplines

The Compliance and Ethics Helpline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You may choose to remain anonymous. The Helpline is hosted by a third-party, and no technological tools are used to detect your identity.

The Office of Compliance and Ethics provides a website for reporting concerns in a confidential and anonymous manner.

You may contact the Office of Compliance and Ethics directly.

The Public Access ADA Coordinator investigates ADA Title II accessibility complaints involving County facilities, services, activities, and programs. TTY Users: 711

The Department of Public Health’s Animal Care & Control Division receives complaints about animal abuse, neglect, or abandonment; nuisance animal noise; and animal bites.

Through this Helpline, employees may report evidence of known or suspected misconduct, including legal violations, misuse of resources, improper gifts or kickbacks, financial concerns, conflicts of interest, retaliation, safety concerns, personnel issues, and ARMC/County policy and process violations.

The Department of Behavioral Health’s Office of Compliance accepts reports of noncompliance with Behavioral Health policies and other concerns involving personnel or operations.

Call the Child Abuse Hotline immediately to report suspected child abuse and neglect.

The Code Enforcement Division of the Land Use Services Department receives complaints regarding land use, zoning, housing, public nuisances, vehicle abatement, and vegetation or fire hazard abatement. For graffiti abatement, call 1.877.442.2283.

The Department of Aging and Adult Services operates an Elder Abuse Hotline to receive complaints about possible elder abuse or neglect.

If you know or have good reason to suspect that County property has been stolen or misused, you can report it to the Fraud, Waste and Abuse Hotline.

To report the abuse, neglect or mistreatment of someone in a long-term care facility, please call the Department of Aging and Adult Services’ long-term care ombudsman.

To report the misuse or abuse of welfare funds including cash assistance, food stamps, childcare and Medi-Cal, contact the Program Integrity Division of Human Services.

If the nature of your concern doesn’t fall within one of the categories listed, please visit San Bernardino County’s Website.