The OCE is tasked with providing an ethics program for all County employees. Training and resources are designed to provide employees with ethics related information, including federal, state and local laws and regulations, as well as policies and procedures. The OCE strives to improve each employee’s understanding of ethics and assists in developing ethical decision-making skills.
The OCE also administers the Compliance and Ethics Confidential Helpline which any employee or member of the public may use to anonymously report unethical behavior or misconduct. The OCE reviews, refers, and monitors each report.
Mission Statement
To operate a strategic countywide compliance and ethics program, ensuring regulatory and ethical compliance in the delivery of quality service and preservation of public trust.
Vision Statement
To provide the public safe and reliable services administered by a compliant and ethical workforce anchored in personal responsibility, honor, and integrity.
Rules & Policies
County Code
Access the most current version of the San Bernardino County Code.
Code of Ethics
All County employees and officials are subject to the County’s Code of Ethics and Commitment to County Public Service, which establishes the standards of conduct required of all public officials and employees under Personnel Rule 1.
San Bernardino County

OCE Offices
Office of Compliance and Ethics
175 W. Fifth Street, 1st Floor
San Bernardino, CA 92415-0440
909.387.4500 (Office)
909.387.8950 (Fax)
Diane Rundles
Director of Human Resources
Ken Johnston
Quality and Compliance Officer
Department of Public Health
Erica Ochoa
Compliance Officer
Department of Behavioral Health
Katrina Shelby
Ethics and Compliance Coordinator
Arrowhead Regional Medical Center