What We Do
The County’s Employee Rideshare Program advocates a social responsibility to preserve the environment, decrease fuel consumption, improve air quality, and reduce traffic congestion. By ridesharing, you can make a difference by not only enhancing the quality of life in your community, but possibly even save time and absolutely save money.

Smart Commute Modes
Find out what qualifies as rideshare, and which commute modes can work for you:
- Share the ride in a vanpool, private carpool or County Fleet Hybrid Vehicle Carpool
- Drive together or alone in a Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV)
- Keep fit by biking or walking
- Transit options, including our transit pass program, paid via pre-tax payroll deductions
- Telework information and resources

Guaranteed Ride Home
Sometimes the unexpected happens: you or a family member becomes ill, or you have unscheduled overtime. How will you get home? Fortunately, the Guaranteed Ride Home (GRH) program has you covered.

Visit SBtrip to find your smart commute, and create a free account to:
- Connect with carpool or vanpool partners
- Log your eligible smart commute trips
- Complete challenges and earn rewards for your participation

Rideshare Rewards*
Earn rewards when you rideshare on your morning or evening commute to and from work, including:
- Up to $7 Per Day Start-Up Incentive
- Monthly Raffles and Challenges
- $250 Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Incentive
- and more!
*Pursuant to IRC 74 & IRC 3121(a)(20), the value of an award or prize given by an employer to an employee is considered taxable wages and may be subject to Federal Income tax.

Transit Tuesday
Missed out on our Transit Tuesday webinar? No worries, all of the webinars have been recorded and are available to watch!

Commuter Services Spotlight
Interested in the Commuter Services program but not quite sure what to expect. Click on the link below to get a better idea of the transportation options and participants.

Additional Resources

Contact Us
HR-Commuter Services
157 W 5th Street, First Floor
San Bernardino, CA 92415
General Information: 909.387.9639 or 909.387.9640
Fax: 909.387.5566
Interoffice Mail Code: HR-Commuter Services – 0178
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Closed on County Holidays
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