Make the smart choice when you commute. By participating in the County’s Rideshare Program, you not only help yourself to save time and money, but help the environment and community by decreasing fossil fuel consumption and traffic congestion.
Rideshare is more than just carpooling. All of the following smart commute modes are eligible to participate in the County’s Employee Rideshare Program.
Earn rewards when you commute to or from work by logging your eligible trips in SBtrip. You can log up to two trips per day. If you use multiple travel modes, the mode that covers the longest distance for that trip should be logged. Create an account to start logging your trips and claiming your rewards!
If you live within 5 miles of your worksite, consider cycling to work. You can get a great workout and pedal off the stresses while others are stuck in traffic! Electric-assisted bikes are also included in this category. Log your activity in the County’s Steps to Success Wellness Program for even more rewards!

Save 50% or more on your commute costs by carpooling! To carpool, you just need to have another working adult travel with you for over half the distance to your work. Your carpool partner does not have to be a County employee, but only County employees are eligible for the Country’s Rideshare Rewards.
- When you carpool, you and your partner can split responsibility, or come up with a mutually beneficial arrangement with your own personal vehicles.
If you do not want to use your personal vehicle, groups of 3-4 County employees can participate in the Hybrid Vehicle Carpool Program. This program allows the group to rent a County Fleet vehicle through HR-Commuter Services.

Telework (also known as telecommuting) is an alternative work arrangement available to qualifying County employees to work from a remote workplace, such as one’s home or satellite office, rather than commuting to a designated worksite. You must have a signed Telework Agreement on file with your department in order to telework. Refer to the County’s Telework website for more information.

Relax and let someone else do all the driving! Transit option, such as bus and rail lines, are a great option for those who want to go car free. Metrolink offers free connections with many bus routes so you don’t need to buy separate tickets.
- HR-CS offers the Transit Pass program to sell you discounted OmniTrans passes with the costs taken directly from your paycheck with pre-tax money.
Many transit providers also have spots to bring your bike, so you can pedal to and from the transit stops.

Many transit providers provide a free or discounted transfer between transit providers. Visit their website for more information.
Join a vanpool to share the ride and significantly reduce your commuting costs and avoid putting wear and tear on your own car. Vanpools must have a minimum 30 mile round-trip commute with 4 to 14 participants. Many vanpools cost less than $150 a month (costs vary depending on the type of vehicle, route, and fuel), and participation costs are taken directly from your paycheck with pre-tax money.

If you live within a couple of miles from work, consider walking! No fighting traffic, or polluting the environment or struggling to find a parking spot – have a stress-free trip and stay fit and healthy. Put your best foot forward and wear a fitness tracker for even more rewards with the County’s Steps to Success Wellness Program.

Electric vehicles represent the future of commuting and produce zero direct emissions, resulting in a cleaner environment. Because ZEV drivers do not produce tailpipe emissions, you will still be eligible for rewards even if you drive alone.

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
The County is excited to now offer EV Charging Stations for employee use! The new 10 station lot is located in Lot 7 at 316 N. Mountain View Avenue, San Bernardino.
EV charging fees shall be $0.32/kWh while charging for a maximum of 4 hours. Overstay fees apply.
To gain access to the EV Charging Lot, please email Commuter Services at