San Bernardino County is committed to providing service that promotes the health, safety, well-being, and quality of life of its residents in compliance with the County Charter, general laws, and the will of the people it serves.
The County is responsible for the provision of services to a vast number of residents across a vast geographic body, while maintaining compliance with local, state, and federal laws. San Bernardino County’s approximate 21,000 employees provide a mixture of diverse services to over 2 million residents, in 24 cities, spanning over 20,000 square miles.
Compliance Program
The complexity and magnitude of the County and the services provided make the focus on compliance a critical component of our business practice and philosophy. As such, the County’s Office of Compliance and Ethics serves to:
- Monitor developments and changes in state and federal laws
- Facilitate communication among departments on compliance and ethics issues, including the Compliance Oversight Committee
- Review, revise, and recommend policies as needed
- Coordinate, facilitate, and monitor compliance efforts countywide
- Provide guidance and direction on compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and related regulations
- Develop internal controls and audits to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements
- Communicate the County’s Code of Ethics and Commitment policy to all employees
- Administer the Compliance and Ethics Helpline
Confidential Compliance and Ethics Reporting Program
The Office of Compliance and Ethics sponsors the Compliance and Ethics Helpline, hosted by a third-party, to receive allegations of illegal or unethical conduct involving County employees or officials. Through this Helpline, you may report evidence of known or suspected misconduct, including legal violations, misuse of resources, improper gifts or kickbacks, campaign irregularities, voter fraud, financial concerns, conflicts of interest, retaliation, safety concerns, personnel issues, and County policy and process violations. If you choose, you may remain anonymous and no technological tools will be used to learn who you are.
Submit a report electronically or call 888.587.3575.
Policy Information

Internal policies are established to ensure operations, duties, and responsibilities of various County departments and agencies are properly documented and translated into systems, procedures, and detailed instructions at the appropriate organization level. This is accomplished through County Policy, Standard Practices, organizational policy, and departmental policy and manuals.