The Retirement Medical Trust Plan assists eligible retirees and their dependents with the high cost of health related expenses.
This plan is designed to help you pay for certain eligible expenses, such as medical, dental and long-term care premiums, on a tax-free basis. For more information, contact your department payroll specialist or the Employee Benefits and Services Division. You can also consult the RMT Plan Document and the Retirement Medical Trust Agreement.
How the plan works
The Retirement Medical Trust (RMT) Plan provides a method for eligible plan participants to pay, on a non-taxable basis, for qualified expenses including medical, dental, and long term care premiums (as defined in the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 213) that are otherwise reimbursed by insurance.
The Trust Plan is not a voluntary benefit. Those employees who satisfy the definition of an eligible employee must have the cash value of their unused accumulated sick leave, if any, contributed to the Trust. For specific information on participation eligibility, cash conversion formulas of unused sick leave accruals, and County contributions, refer to your Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), Exempt Compensation Plan, Employment Contract, or Salary Ordinance.
Employees retiring from the County with a disability retirement may be eligible to contribute a cash value of their unused sick leave balances to the trust, so refer to your Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), Exempt Compensation Plan, or Employment Contract for eligibility requirements.

The Trust is funded by County contributions and/or the eligible cash value of the participant’s sick leave upon separation from service. All funds contributed to the Trust are maintained in individual accounts administered by Voya exclusively for the benefit of the participant or the participant’s eligible dependent(s).

Upon separation of service and reaching the Normal Retirement Age, the account balance is available for reimbursement of qualified medical expenses on a non-taxable basis. Upon the death of an eligible individual, the surviving spouse shall become the beneficiary entitled to the rights and benefits under the plan.
Who Maintains the Funds
Please be aware of the following changes to your Retirement Medical Trust (RMT) plan, beginning April 12, 2024:
- The RMT administration and customer service will be transitioning from Total Administrative Services Corporation (TASC) to VOYA, in coordination with Benefit Plan Administrative Services, Inc. (BPAS) and WEX Health, Inc. The current third party administrator, TASC, will no longer be associated with your account.
- San Bernardino County 457(b), 401(k), 401(a) or PST Plan account holders have access to their RMT account through Voya’s participant website or the Voya Retire mobile app. To view your account or to take any action, simply click on the RMT account name associated with your retirement account when you log in to
- For employees that are not participating in one of the County’s deferred compensation plans, you may monitor and manage your RMT Plan account online through our participant portal. To access your account please go to
- For RMT participants who are currently eligible to submit claims, two debit cards will be issued to simplify the process of paying for qualified medical expenses for you or your qualified tax dependents.
- If you have an April 1 recurring premium payment, you will need to submit a new recurring claim to Voya so Voya can process for you.
For more information regarding the transition from TASC to Voya, please read the newsletter found here.

Forms and Resources

Contact Us
For any questions or additional information regarding the Retirement Medical Trust Fund, contact EBSD. For questions on account balances and/or participant information contact VOYA.
Employee Benefits: 909.387.5787 |
Voya Financial Health Account Solutions: 833.232.4673 |
VOYA Local Representatives: 909.748.6468 or toll free 800.452.5842