San Bernardino County is proud to announce its partnership with ScholarShare 529, a nationally recognized college savings plan managed by TIAA-CREF Tuition Financing, Inc. ScholarShare 529 has over 20- years history of helping families like yours save for college. Employees can invest in their children’s and grandchildren’s education by enrolling in the 529 Education Savings Plan offered by ScholarShare. Please contact ScholarShare to participate in the plan.
Potential Tax Advantages
This plan offers tax-deferred growth of any earnings and tax-free withdrawals for qualified higher education expenses such as room, board, and tuition.
Control and Flexibility
The owner of a 529 plan controls the assets in the account, even after the beneficiary turns 18. There are no income restrictions and account assets can be used at most accredited colleges and universities.
Additional Advantages
The advantages to the ScholarShare 529 Education Savings Plan are:
- Tax Advantages: 100% tax-free growth on qualified withdrawals
- Flexibility: These savings can be used in California and around the world
- Low Fees and Expenses: Less than half the average expenses of other 529 plans
- Investment Options: Investment portfolios that fit your life situation, risk tolerance and savings goals


Contact Us
For more information or to request a consultation, please visit This benefit does not have an Open Enrollment period so employees can enroll at any time.
ScholarShare 529 Education Plan
- 1-800-544-5248