The County recognizes the business, societal, and personal benefits available through a carefully planned and managed telework program. Telework, as a work program, enables the County to optimize resources and maintain employee productivity during County, State or Federal emergencies. Telework, as an element of transportation management programs, can also help the County support social responsibility and the State of California’s climate goals and ease traffic congestion in our communities.

County Telework Program

Telework (also known as telecommuting) is an alternative work arrangement available to qualifying County employees to work from a remote workplace, such as one’s home or satellite office, rather than commuting to a designated worksite. You must have a signed Telework Agreement on file with your department in order to telework. 

Telework Program Documents


Teleworkers are eligible for Rideshare Incentives!
Visit the HR Commuter Services page to find out more.

PERC Telework Training

Time Reporting

Effective Pay Period 27 of 2020, teleworking employees are responsible for accurately coding their timesheet to reflect hours spent in a telework arrangement each pay period.